
WhiteheathInfant and Nursery School

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Healthy Week

heartHealthy Weekheart


Healthy Week at Whiteheath Infant School promotes and reinforces healthy eating and nutrition and educates the children on the importance of physical activity. This is done through a range of fun and exciting sessions.


Objectives for Healthy Week linked to the PSHE programme of study:

  • I know how to maintain a healthy lifestyle including the benefits of physical activity, rest, healthy eating and dental health.
  • I can make choices that improve my physical and emotional health.
  • I know the importance of, and how to, maintain personal hygiene.

The Life Bus: The children in Reception and Year 2 visit the Life Bus where they will experience a session that is fun, engaging and memorable.  The children meet Harold the Giraffe puppet and friends, have discussions and watch short films about healthy eating and the body and how it works.


Speed Stacking Workshop: Speed stacking is a sport of fitness, agility, concentration and quickness.  The children in each class will compete against each other to see who the quickest speed stacker is.  There is then a celebratory assembly to see which child is the quickest speed stacker in the year.


Cooking: The children will get an opportunity to cook some healthy food.  The children in Reception make fruit kebabs and the children in Year 1 make healthy muffins; the children enjoy preparing the ingredients and combining them to create a delicious snack.

