- Whiteheath Infant and Nursery
- School, Ladygate Lane, London,
- Greater London, HA4 7RF
At Whiteheath Infant School we believe in the following statements:
Throughput the year groups there is a clear progression of skills taught through our cross curricular curriculum.
The Nursery and Reception children are offered resources to encourage them to build on and improve their DT skills throughout the year as a staple part of their school life. These skills include deciding what they are going to make, working as individuals, in pairs or in groups to create designs. The children regularly use DT straws, glue and other joining skills, such as tapes and split pins. They work on a large and small scale, valuing recycling products and challenging themselves to be creative. They also work on a more traditional level, using clay to bring contrasting designs to life.
Year One
In our topic ‘Unity in the Community’, the children explore 3D form and learn about the Artist Cesar Manrique. The children also plan and make their own 3D wind chime sculptures.
Year Two
In ‘Land Ahoy’ the children learn about different modes of transport and they created their own rocket launchers out of junk modelling.