- Whiteheath Infant and Nursery
- School, Ladygate Lane, London,
- Greater London, HA4 7RF
Places in nursery are dealt with directly by the school using the same criteria as for admissions to the Infant School.
Children generally begin Nursery in the September following their 3rd birthday. Once your child turns 3, you are welcome to apply for a nursery place. If spaces are available, we will contact you to offer the option of an earlier start. We also accept applications when your child has turned 2.
We currently offer:
Half-day places (15 hours per week ) on a basis of five mornings or five afternoons a week.
Full day places (30 hours per week ) to parents in receipt of the government's "30 hours funding".
To find out if you are eligible, visit https://www.gov.uk/check-eligible-free-childcare-if-youre-working
Full day places (30 hours per week ) to parents who are not eligible for the government's "30 hours funding".
This is payable for the additional 15 hours per week (Please contact the school for more information)
Extended Day Care which can booked in addition to your child's funded 15 hours
Please note that we are unable to offer part-time places, for example, one day a week or two mornings a week.
If you wish to apply for a nursery place, you can download the nursery registration form at the bottom of this page or contact the school via email or by calling the school office.
Email: admissions@whiteheath-inf.hillingdon.sch.uk
School office: 01895 630 262
Within our Nursery admission’s, we provide a number of 30 hour places. We ask that at the time of your initial nursery application you indicate that this facility is of interest to you. When nursery place offers are made, we offer 30 hour places first, whilst keeping in line with the Hillingdon borough’s criteria. Parents need to prove their eligibility for this provision by applying for a specific code via the government’s website.
In the first instance, we will:
Offer places of 30 hours free entitlement with an option to pay for the Extended nursery day from 2.35pm - 3.20pm to keep in line with the normal end of school timings. Along with our Kingfisher Afterschool club (3.30 - 6.00pm)
Expect that all the 30 hours will be taken at Whiteheath Nursery.
Provide snacks and drinks during the day but expect families to provide a packed if the child is in school all day
If a child is offered a 30 hour place and the eligibility code is not received within an agreed timescale the place will be withdrawn and offered to the next family on our waiting list
Any remaining places will be offered to AM and PM requested places
A place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place in the Infant School.
Parents of children in the Nursery MUST apply for an infant school place
through their Local Authority.
Nursery Application Form
Please complete and return to the main School Reception
Please follow the below link to our 'Forms' page