- Whiteheath Infant and Nursery
- School, Ladygate Lane, London,
- Greater London, HA4 7RF
The Governing Body of Whiteheath Infant and Nursery School is composed of a group of individuals who all have the interests of the school at heart. The role of a school governor is often described as a “critical friend”, and this is what we strive, collectively, to be.
Led by our Chair of Governors – Hema Patel, the Governing Body meets regularly to monitor all aspects of school life from the curriculum, staffing requirements, finance and school policies to school meals service and the safety of our children crossing the road to and from school.
Together with the Headteacher and staff of the Whiteheath family, we work hard to maintain the excellent standards that the school had achieved and to constantly improve the conditions in which the school operates.
We welcome advice and on occasion actively seek it. If you have any specific skills which you think might benefit the school, we are always happy to hear from you. We can be contacted through the school office and of course our parent governors who are often to be found in the school grounds at the beginning and end of the school day. Minutes from our meetings are available on request from the school office.